About Us
The Uraan 3D core team brings together the experience of more then 12 years in the Digital Virtual Setups for Clear Aligners, our team comprises of ex-employees from Align Technology, Ortho Clear, Clear Correct, Algotrek Technology etc. Our project of Digital Virtual Setup bring together some of the most experienced virtual CAD operators & some of the latest 3D technology to provide Digital Treatments planning through using the 3D software for you. We solve the following cases through the digital setup treatment planning:
- Crowding, Cross bite, Open bite, Dip bite, Distima, Spaces, Over jet, Over bite, Distalization, Extraction, Malocclusion,
and overcorrection of teeth; - IPR and without IPR treatment, especially in Crowding cases;
- Place the Digital Attachments at required teeth to take the good results through movement; and
- Also provide the Quality Assurance of 3D Virtual Setups through yours web portal and domain.
Digital Virtual Setup
Digital Virtual Setup is a flash file showing the step by step which teeth each aligner will move in the patient mouth, also include before and after treatment images of the patient teeth from different views, also show video animated files of these views.

we have a wawfsfiwwfwfnning

We are nothing without you
Digital Virtual Setup Treatment consists of a series of nearly invisible, removable aligners (invisible braces) that change every two weeks for the next set of aligners. Each aligner is individually manufactured for your teeth, and your teeth only. As you replace each aligner, your teeth will move – little by little, week by week – until they have straightened to the final position prescribed by your dental practitioner.
Treatable Cases


Open Bite

Excenssive Overjet

Deep Bite


Cross Bite


Special online services
We Provide the Consultancy/QA and Treatment planning in following capacity
- Treatment of all types of Double/single arch cases at yours software.
- Provide the Digital Virtual Setup Treatment (0-1)
- Provide the Training of tooth movement /Treatment planning.(staging)
- Suggest the software changing for reduction in Virtual Treatment time.
- Provide Training to new members at 3D software for Treatment.
- Provide the Quality Assurance for limited & Unlimited cases.
If any dental labs or company wants to take our online/live services, can contact us.
Case Studies
Case # 1
Following views are required:
- Intra-oral Upper occlusal
- Intra-oral Lower occlusal
- Intra-oral Left buccal view
- Intra-oral right buccal view
- Intra-oral Frontal view

Following views are required:
- Lateral profile
- Frontal profile
- Frontal profile with smile
Following 2 types of X-rays are required
- OPG witch is Orthopentaomograph also called a Panorex.
- Lateral Ceph witch is lateral Cephalograph.

Case # 2

Case # 3

Case # 4

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